Book - thesis
Allen , Eugene
Visual Design
Living or living?
Book - thesis
Gould, Meggan
Visual Design
A 21st Century Flaneur: Land
book - thesis
Witham, Kimberly
Visual Design
Private Codes and Public Sys
Kohok , Komal
Intro 2
digital media
Visual Design
book - thesis
Dunham , Charles
Visual Design
Time-based Design
book - thesis
Andersen , Alec
Visual Design
Immersion in Interactivity
Andersen , Alec
Immersion in Interactivity
book - thesis
Visual Design
Andersen , Alec
Immersion in Interactivity
book - thesis
Visual Design
Andersen , Alec
Immersion in Interactivity
book - thesis
Visual Design
Andersen , Alec
Immersion in Interactivity
book - thesis
Visual Design
book - thesis
Hovermale, john
Visual Design
Hovermale, john
acrylic on paper
Visual Design
Hovermale, john
acrylic on paper
Visual Design
Hovermale, john
acrylic on paper
Visual Design
Hovermale, john
acrylic on paper
Visual Design
Hovermale, john
acrylic on paper
Visual Design
Hovermale, john
acrylic on paper
Visual Design
Hovermale, john
acrylic on paper
Visual Design
Hovermale, john
acrylic on paper
Visual Design
Hovermale, john
acrylic on paper
Visual Design
Hovermale, john
acrylic on paper
Visual Design
Hovermale, john
acrylic on paper
Visual Design
Hovermale, john
acrylic on paper
Visual Design
Hovermale, john
acrylic on paper
Visual Design
Hovermale, john
acrylic on paper
Visual Design
Hovermale, john
acrylic on paper
Visual Design
Hovermale, john
acrylic on paper
Visual Design
Hovermale, john
acrylic on paper
Visual Design
Hovermale, john
acrylic on paper
Visual Design
Hovermale, john
acrylic on paper
Visual Design
book - thesis
Bennett, Melody J.
Visual Design
Symbols in the Public Sector
Metal , Camilla
Detail of She Drank Three Th
used tea bags and mixed medi
Visual Design
Metal , Camilla
Detail of She Drank Three Th
used tea bags and mixed medi
Visual Design
Metal , Camilla
Detail of She Drank Three Th
used tea bags and mixed medi
Visual Design
Metal , Camilla
Detail of She Drank Three Th
used tea bags and mixed medi
Visual Design
Metal , Camilla
Detail of She Drank Three Th
used tea bags and sweater
Visual Design
Metal , Camilla
Detail of She Drank Three Th
used tea bags and mixed medi
Visual Design
Metal , Camilla
She Drank Three Thousand Fou
used tea bags and mixed medi
Visual Design
Metal , Camilla
She Drank Three Thousand Fou
used tea bags and mixed medi
Visual Design
Metal , Camilla
She Drank Three Thousand Fou
used tea bags and mixed medi
Visual Design
Metal , Camilla
She Drank Three Thousand Fou
used tea bags and mixed medi
Visual Design
Metal , Camilla
English Tea Party Gone Haywi
used tea bags and mixed medi
Visual Design
Chen, Linan
Morris Typeface
Visual Design
Chen, Linan
Morris Typeface
Visual Design
Chen, Linan
Morris Typeface
Visual Design
Coleman , Jennifer Mary
[ Stills from computer learn
computer stills
Visual Design
Coleman , Jennifer Mary
[ Stills from computer learn
computer stills
Visual Design
Coleman , Jennifer Mary
[ Stills from computer learn
computer stills
Visual Design
Coleman , Jennifer Mary
[ Stills from computer learn
computer stills
Visual Design
Coleman , Jennifer Mary
[ Stills from computer learn
computer stills
Visual Design