Welcome to LUNA, a portal to University of Massachusetts Dartmouth's digital image and multimedia repository for instruction and research. LUNA provides access to more than 300,000 digital high quality images, media and manuscripts materials related to the disciplines of arts and cultures.
To access the entire collection within LUNA click on "LOGIN" at the upper right hand corner of the banner. Enter your UMassD email username (do not enter @umassd.edu) and your UMassD email password. LUNA resources can be embedded and/or linked directly within myCourses, wikis, or presentation. With a single clickn in LUNA, you can generate an instant PowerPoints .
Visual & Media Literacy Hub (VMLHub) supports one of the largest digital image and media repository on campus. For access to the entire digital collections and our services please visit, the VMLHub, located at College of Visual and Performing Arts (CVPA) Group VI, Room 257) or our website, VML Hub.